Thursday, December 8, 2011

Thoughts about crossing over to the world of craftspeople

To craft or not to craft?
I've always considered myself just a designer. I'm an artist in some ways, but not in the sense that I can draw, because that's not one of my strengths. But I never considered myself a craftsperson.

That is until I decided to design my own holiday cards this year. After posting them on my personal facebook page, I received 3 orders from out of state for these cards, and a local order for a custom holiday card.

I was stunned. And somewhat excited. For a moment I thought "Why didn't I get a table at the MECA holiday sale? Why didn't I sign up for all kinds of holiday craft sales???" And then after I sent out the first two orders, and realized I only made about fifty cents per card, I understood why. There's really not much money in it, compared to the effort (sending to printer, driving to printer, cutting, folding, driving to staples for envelopes, buying packaging and walking to the post office). In the end, I basically don't make anything.

Money aside, it was an awesome feeling to post these, and within minutes have orders waiting. It's worth all that effort. And If I can spend the next 11 months preparing for 2012 holiday craft shows, why not?

But.. do I really want to sit at a table and socialize for hours and days at a time at craft sales? Am I a craft person at heart? No and No. It's also not very tempting to set up an online store, say on etsy. It seems like so much work to maintain! (plus the driving, cutting, folding, driving, packaging, sending, etc.)

So for now, instead of all of this tabling and holiday craziness, I've sent samples of these cards to the New Bedford Whaling Museum Marketing Director. He sent me a nice note saying he forwarded them to the museum store merchandiser. For the New Bedford Whaling Museum, I would sell my soul to the world of craft (for a minute). Fingers crossed!

To see more of my work, visit